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Terms I've Heard at the Table

A Glossary of Commercial Real Estate Development Terms for Beginners

Introduction: Congratulations and pull up a seat

keywords: commercial real estate, definition, glossary, commercial property definition, real estate

Hey friends hey, getting to the table is the beginning. Speaking the language is another thing entirely. Industry jargon can be used to speed along a conversation, it can also be used as a weapon to exclude and box out. During my journey, I have come across terms and acronyms that are new to me. Often I take notes and allow context to guide me, while I come back to the word later during my personal after-action report. This post is to provide a glossary of terms I've heard at the various tables I've been fortunate to have a seat (negotiation table, planning table, community involvement, etc.) Let's lift each other up and language is only one of many barriers to our success.


Commercial Real Estate Terminology Glossary:

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